Starbucks at Clarkson’s Schuler’s café is the quintessential coffee break experience:  beverages and grab-and-go food including freshly baked goods. 

Starbucks We Proudly Serve offers the Starbucks experience with the following menu choices:

·         Starbucks drip coffee spectrum:  Blonde, Medium, Dark roast and seasonal blends

·         Starbucks espresso beverages with Fontana syrups and sauces:  lattes,        cappuccinos, iced coffees, etc.

·         Five of the most popular Frappuccino blended beverages

·         Teavana hot and iced teas

Starbucks purchases and roasts only the highest quality whole bean coffees and sells them along with fresh, rich-brewed, Italian-style espresso drinks.  Over 40 years of exceptionally brewed coffee and operational expertise makes Starbucks a national brand to enjoy right here on campus.

Visit Schuler’s on the first floor of the Educational Resources Center (ERC) next to the Innovation Hub.