Drawing as Meditation

A new Drawing Club is looking for a few more members. The first meeting will be held on Thursday, Sept. 28, at 5 pm in the Science Center. The club is open to everyone – both beginners and experienced artists (and everyone in between) -- but space is limited.

We will be following (at least for the first year) the book “The Drawing Club of Improbable Dreams: How to Create a Club for Art” by Cat Bennett.

Cat says, “Our goal is to explore openly rather than try to make finished pieces of art . . . to experiment, try out new ways of drawing, and make some good mistakes . . . The exercises are designed so that we don’t know how things will turn out until we do them . . . Drawing can be a meditation, a place to simply be. Most of us find this to be a very peaceful practice. In this peaceful state we can begin to watch our minds and notice the thoughts that appear. We can gently let the ones that aren’t helpful go and return our focus to drawing.”

If this sounds like something you would like to explore, please contact me by email.



Patricia Lane
Editorial Assistant
Clarkson University
Marketing & External Relations
Box 5535, 8 Clarkson Avenue
Potsdam, NY 13699
