I really never understood the utility of OGS AND MSS both going to ALB both with cape air. It seems like it would be more utility if OGS or MSS went to ALB (then on to BOS) then if there was another flight that went to any of the other airports proposed would be more options. Even if it is not as useful for making connections, a flight to say NYC or to BAL would at least get us to those high likely use destinations. And our visitors to us.
If we are picking - separate from connections, white plains, NY - HPN is a superb FBO airport to go to for easy entry into NYC. From HPN it is a short 5 min ride to the train which is a quick ride downtown to the city.
Erik M. Bollt, Professor W. Jon Harrington Professor of Mathematics Dept of Mathematics Clarkson University Potsdam, NY 13699-5815
telephone:315-268-2307 FAX: 315-268-2371 email: bolltem@clarkson.edu mailto:bolltem@clarkson.edu web: http://www.clarkson.edu/%7Ebolltem http://www.clarkson.edu/~bolltem
On Nov 30, 2016, at 4:40 PM, Charles Robinson crobins2@clarkson.edu wrote:
Having heard this latest discussion, I now really favor Cape Air simply because they do operate as an airline. But I would have a request for them - Make the morning and evening flight MSS->ALB->BOS, but make the afternoon flight MSS->BOS->ALB. And maybe even run two loop routes: MSS->ALB->BOS->MSS and MSS->BOS->ALB->MSS. That way we have a quicker connect to evening European flights out of Boston.
Using a FBO will add much time to catching any connecting flight. It would be ok if one only wanted to go to the FBO’s arrival city. Chicago was mentioned. I assume that is Midway and not ORD?
On Nov 30, 2016, at 9:13 AM, Erik Bollt <ebollt@clarkson.edu mailto:ebollt@clarkson.edu> wrote:
Cetin and Dan, I love the idea of commercial operations flying out of Potsdam.
But we do not have the infrastructure. Not that it couldn’t be built but we do not currently have that infrastructure. While we can have part 135 flights (charter), I do believe we cannot have general part 121 (standard scheduled flights) offered to the general community without the faculties for TSA security and so forth. We do not have those facilities at Potsdam at this time. We do have a good runway of suitable quality for the category of airplanes of the category I believe are considered in this discussion, and also the approaches, but not the building and security. I also fly, but also, I chair the Potsdam airport committee. I know I was there when a person from the NY DOT approached Potsdam several years ago to talk about what it would take to get those facilities. They are surprisingly expensive for what seems like a minor modification to an expensive facility like Potsdam’s airport, PTD, but there are state and federal grants for such things. This is what MSS, OGS, and SLK all did, and OGS did again in their recent extensive expansion. But there are two factors to keep in mind in something like that. One is that it is a multi year process to propose, which first requires that it be in the multi-year plan in the first place, and an airport must have a multi-year plan, and second, it requires some minor fraction (but still substantial) financial commitment from the managing entity which in this case is the village of Potsdam. I would say that from my observation that when it comes to the airport at this time, the village would take some significant convincing to agree to expand their financial commitment, even if I and many of us would personally love to see this happen. I was a strong fan of that when the DOT visited to suggest the idea several years ago.
Meanwhile, even with full support, I doubt the airline will not come here in the short term without those required complete turn key facilities (TSA and terminal etc), that they have at those other airports. SO in the short run, bird in the hand, I would support an expanded service out of MSS and continue to press for facilities to allow some kind of service at PTD in the future.
Erik M. Bollt, Professor W. Jon Harrington Professor of Mathematics Dept of Mathematics Clarkson University Potsdam, NY 13699-5815
telephone:315-268-2307 FAX: 315-268-2371 email: bolltem@clarkson.edu mailto:bolltem@clarkson.edu web: http://www.clarkson.edu/%7Ebolltem http://www.clarkson.edu/~bolltem
On Nov 30, 2016, at 2:24 PM, Cetin Cetinkaya <ccetinka@clarkson.edu mailto:ccetinka@clarkson.edu> wrote:
Hi All,
I'd support Dan's proposal. Potsdam makes better sense, and it seems we have the facilities.
On Wed, Nov 30, 2016 at 5:59 AM, Daniel Rissacher-Student <rissacdj@clarkson.edu mailto:rissacdj@clarkson.edu> wrote: Kelly-
As many people may know, I am a pilot and I have been trying to bring aviation to Clarkson for transportation, education and as a student activity however I have been thwarted by the highly risk-averse nature of our institution. I support any aviation growth in the region and services such as this should keep most of the risk external to Clarkson.
The only question I would ask when addressing proposals like these is: why not Potsdam? I’m sure the Massena town council doesn’t want to hear that because they want the business, but our own airport could support the type of operation that you are describing and already has an operating charter operation. Just keep in mind that Potsdam has a great underutilized airport that I should also point out Clarkson owns about half of (the other half was given to the village to construct the airport believe).
Thanks for reaching out for everyone’s feedback.
Daniel J. Rissacher, Ph.D. Research Assistant Professor, Clarkson University CITeR Affiliate Relations Dept of Elec & Comp Engineering CAMP 246
315-268-8060 tel:315-268-8060 drissach@clarkson.edu mailto:drissach@clarkson.edu
On Nov 29, 2016, at 5:43 PM, Kelly Chezum <kchezum@clarkson.edu mailto:kchezum@clarkson.edu> wrote:
All, We had more than 50 people respond directly to me and/or to the list serve on the topic of the Massena Airport Service – thank you for contributing to the community’s dialogue. I will be sharing the following with the Massena Town Supervisor for their public meeting tomorrow evening. If you have any questions, please send me a note to kchezum@clarkson.edu mailto:kchezum@clarkson.edu. Thanks. Kelly
In terms of cities to be serviced, the tallies below represent the top choices with some people just listing one city and others two. I understand the newspaper did indicate that Chicago was under consideration, but in following up with the Supervisor, the four he asked for feedback on are currently in contention. I did leave these other options as “write-in” candidates as noted.
Albany – 15 Baltimore – 24 Boston -25 Buffalo – 6 Other “write-in” Cities: NYC – 11 Chicago – 8 Toronto – 1 Ottawa - 1 Summary of Themes in the Comments: · With Clarkson operations active in the Capital Region, the current Cape Air flights to Albany, NY from both Massena and Ogdensburg are used relatively frequently. There was sentiment and hope that at least one of the two regional airports would continue or expand that service. The same could be said for Boston, which people now drive to Saranac Lake to catch the Cape Air flight there.
· The people who fly Cape Air have been appreciative of the company’s level of customer service and commitment to the North Country. · The appeal of a pressurized cabins/ more weather resilient planes and flights from Boutique Air was acknowledged in the feedback. There are concerns however about passenger’s needing connecting flights and the reciprocity agreements that the airline has in place to move bags quickly and for getting flights changed when there are delays on those connections.
· Access to connections were a driver for people selecting Boston and Baltimore, so that they have the potential for just 2 legs on a journey and not the three that most currently have when connecting Massena to Albany.
Kelly O. Chezum, MBA, DLP Vice President for External Relations | Clarkson University
Office: 315.268.4483 tel:315.268.4483 | | chezumk@clarkson.edu mailto:chezumk@clarkson.edu From: Kelly Chezum [mailto:kchezum@clarkson.edu mailto:kchezum@clarkson.edu] Sent: Monday, November 21, 2016 9:56 AM To: 'general_discussion@lists.clarkson.edu mailto:general_discussion@lists.clarkson.edu' <general_discussion@lists.clarkson.edu mailto:general_discussion@lists.clarkson.edu> Subject: Massena Airport Service - Considering Destinations to Albany, Boston, Buffalo and Baltimore Colleagues, We know many people travel in /out of Potsdam on different modes of transportation and when travelling by air, consider several different options. The Town of Massena is currently reviewing two proposals by airlines to provide air service from Massena International Airport to regional air service hubs. The current supplier has three daily roundtrips to Albany with connecting service to Boston on nine-passenger Cessna aircraft. The same carrier also offers flights to Albany with connections to Boston via the Ogdensburg Airport.
The Town of Massena is also considering a provider (may be an alternative provider) with nine-passenger planes that has offered to fly two direct routes, with the Town needing to choose two choices from among the list of Albany, Boston, Buffalo or Baltimore.
The Town Council will be holding a public meeting on Nov. 30 at 5:30 p.m. in Room 30 on the second floor of the Massena Town Hall, 60 Main St.. If you would like to submit comments to me about the likelihood you would use the Massena Airport with these destinations, including naming the two direct destinations you would most likely choose to use, I will be collecting wider feedback from Clarkson and sending a summary to the Town Supervisor. Your response to me by November 29 would be appreciated.
Please let me know if you have further questions or comments. Thanks. Kelly Kelly O. Chezum, MBA ’04, DLP Vice President for External Relations | Clarkson University
Box 5500 | 8 Clarkson Avenue | Room 333 Cora & Bayard Clarkson Science Center Potsdam, New York 13699 Office: 315.268.4483 tel:315.268.4483 | Cell 315.345.5454 tel:315.345.5454 | chezumk@clarkson.edu mailto:chezumk@clarkson.edu Meetings By Appointment at Capital Region Campus 80 Nott Terrace | Schenectady, NY 12308 _______________________________________________ General_Discussion mailing list General_Discussion@lists.clarkson.edu mailto:General_Discussion@lists.clarkson.edu http://lists.clarkson.edu/mailman/listinfo/general_discussion http://lists.clarkson.edu/mailman/listinfo/general_discussion To unsubscribe, visit http://lists.clarkson.edu/mailman/ http://lists.clarkson.edu/mailman/, select this list and use the 'unsubscribe or edit options' button at the bottom of the page.
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-- Çetin Çetinkaya Co-Director, Center for Metamaterials | Director, Photo-Acoustics Research Laboratory | Dept. of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering | W. H. Coulter School of Engineering | Clarkson University, 8 Clarkson Ave. CAMP 241 Box 5725, Potsdam, NY 13699-5725 | cetin@clarkson.edu mailto:cetin@clarkson.edu | (315) 268-6514 | Fax: (315) 268 6695 | http://clarkson.edu/mae/faculty_pages/cetinkaya.html http://clarkson.edu/mae/faculty_pages/cetinkaya.html | Office Hours: Tue. 1:00-2:30pm | Wed. 1:30-3:30pm | Thur. 1:00-3:30pm | By Appointment | _______________________________________________ General_Discussion mailing list General_Discussion@lists.clarkson.edu mailto:General_Discussion@lists.clarkson.edu http://lists.clarkson.edu/mailman/listinfo/general_discussion http://lists.clarkson.edu/mailman/listinfo/general_discussion To unsubscribe, visit http://lists.clarkson.edu/mailman/, select this list and use the 'unsubscribe or edit options' button at the bottom of the page.
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